Monday, January 30, 2012

Current Projects!

January 2012 has been a busy month at Southernman Films with a number of new projects!

'Inner Landscapes'

Inner Landscapes is a dance film from Choreographer Inma Moya Pavon and Director/Composer John O'Brien.

Southernman Films teamed up with to shoot the film in the Cork Opera House.
The film is currently in post at Southernman Films.

'The Charisma Bootcamp'

Southernman Films and shot a number of video modules and promotional videos for Owen Fitzpatrick International in 2011. These programmes are currently in post in Southernman Films.

(L-R) Poll Moussoulides, Owen Fitzpatrick, Sonya Lennon, Anna Aparicio, Ruairi O'Connor, Paul Boross

'Murphy's Irish Stout'

Southernman Films has been producing promotional videos and video diaries for Murphy's Irish Stout since 2009! Check out the Murphy's Events Channel on Youtube by clicking this link;